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Three months in... and a bit...

Well, the Asylum is still hobbling along in it's own special way and I'm still finding things to talk about once in a while so it's all good. Hopefully people are still interested in what I have to say.

Just past 12000 page views over the course of the blog since the beginning.

In march I had exactly 5001 page views. That was pretty awesome.

70 followers now. Hi everybody!

The vast majority of page views come from the UK. Surprisingly, Finland is second with the USA just behind.

Most of you are using Firefox.

Two thirds of readers are using Windows (I'm not one of them).

The most popular of my posts was the one about the Great Spined Dragon and it's general excellence.

So, at this juncture I should like to ask you all... what would you like to see from Spyglass Asylum in the coming months?

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