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A Change of plans....

A bit of a drastic change of plans.

My wife and I have been planning to move back to town at the end of the year- our daughter is heading to high school and with the number of trips we do each day/week for the kids sport as well as our own interests the kms soon add up. So we have decided to reduce our contribution to global warming and head back to town to live. On Friday we decided to start looking for a new house in town and had an offer accepted on a place last night- we don't  believe in mucking round when we make up our minds to do something.

Long story short, I have 4-5 weeks to pack up my stuff for the big move (as well as the rest if the house), so although I will have time for some gaming (I hope) I can't see me finding time for painting etc for the foreseeable future as one of my first jobs will be to start boxing up all my wargaming stuff and clear out the gaming room & shed.

Alas, there is only one issue with the new place: there is NO GAMING ROOM! eeek! Luckily I have managed to coinvince "SWMBO" (She Who Must Be Obeyed) that a gaming room is a necessity, not a luxury! The new place has had an addition made at some stage to increase the size of the lounge and as it is on a hill beneath this area is a 10m or so long x  about 3-4 metre wide concreted space which has no use as it is on the south side (i.e away from the sun down under). After tense negotitions approval was given and a warchest established for the creation of a new gaming room. The plan is to enclose this space, add windows and weatherproof it and convert it to a gaming/wargaming room for the kids and me. It probably won't feature on Grand Designs, but it will make this gamer happy once it is done.

So I apologise if transmissions remain interrupted for the next few weeks


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