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Summer Breeze

Dress: Forever 21 (similar) // Kimono: Charlotte Russe // Sandals: Charlotte Russe 
// Watch: Michael Kors // Necklace: Tiffany and Co.

Hello everyone! Long time no talk! 
I apologize for the lack of posts between finals week, summer classes, and dealing with my current living situation blogging seemed to be put on the back burner. A lot has happened in the past month and it’s kind of crazy now looking back at it.

Ok, that’s enough about me trying to justify why I haven’t been posting as much. I don’t know about you guys, but the weather here in Charlotte has been crazy hot. I’m talking about temperatures close to 100 degrees! Can we say pool day every day? With the temperature being so hot outside it can be a little tricky trying to find something to wear. I love this little cotton dress from Forever 21. It’s so simple and easy to wear. I paired a colorful kimono to brighten up the look and accessorize with my everyday staples. 

How’s your summer going so far? Monday is my last day of summer classes so my summer will officially start Tuesday! Yay! 

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