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Everything Changes (but you)

Today I'm taking one of those important decisions, one of those that changes your life forever. And it's so hard because is not so exciting or great, but I must take it. And I really doubt if I would take the right or wrong option.

But, if I want to follow my dreams, how much I'm willing to sacrifice? Who knows...

The point is that I've got another job offer. At the south. At home. For 4-6 months, but with a huge salary. And here at Barcelona, on Barbie Store... they said that I could start the 4th of October, but it's not sure (they called me on Tuesday and told me that maybe I should wait until November... and God, I don't have any money for living here). So I must ask myself: should I stay, or should I go? If I stay here at Barcelona, someone may be lending me some money for the next months... but that means that, when I start to work, I wouldn't save any money until I pay my money debts. So, that's less money for my future plans for Sweden. If I go home, in spring I could move there and find myself in that gorgeous country, as I've always wanted to do since I was a child.

But I've got a boyfriend here in Barcelona, too. And good friends, some of the best I've ever had. And seriously, it's so hard to come back home; yes, only for 6 months maybe... but it's so hard.

So here's the situation, I just don't know what to do with myself.

And while I'm thinking, yesterday I went to Madame Chocolat and left some handmade crafts, and went to Lolita Bakery again for a gorgeous cup of coffee and a delicious vanilla & chocolate muffin; and talked about donkeys and the hairstyles we're gonna use when we grow older... and took some outfit pictures, like if we could be heroes...

... Just for one day.

Thanks for reading and your lovely comments, these days I'm a little bit confused about me and my future and I really wanna thank you for them. You're simply wonderful.

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