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So, I just got back from the hospital after week two of the dreaded cast!
I really utterly and truly hate the journey from Cork to Galway - it's an eight hour return trip with a painful scan in the middle.
There is good news though - the bone is healing and it looks like a 6 week cast! I don't have to return to Galway hospital for another few weeks until the 9th of Feb to see if the cast can come off. It had better - I am getting well sick of it now!
I mentioned last week that my lack of independence is killing me because I have to rely on help from everyone right now. I got my mom a box of chocolate today because I really appreciate all the help that she and my dad have given me by driving me around, making me food and generally picking up the pieces after the accident.
I'm concerned about the effect the accident is having on my sanity though with some negative effects on my sleeping patterns and some weight loss as well.  The mind and trauma is a strange thing -I don't remember large chunks of the car hitting me. I just remember the decision to lie back on the ground once I landed to 'rest' my head because it was heavy. I also remember being worried about my blouse because it was new and I was worried about the rain damaging the fine material. It's amazing what your mind does so you don't process what is happening around you. Still I am okay and not seriously hurt which is a good thing.
However I would prefer if I only had to go back to Galway once more because the journeys are horrific!!!
Still I am looking forward to being on my feet and up and running again - and back at work! Miss my work face posts - and from a few of the comments I have had - so do you guys!

- The blouse survived by the way
- How cool is the crutch picture? It's Gaultier couture from years ago!

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